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Nashville DUI Lawyer

Even though normally a DUI is a misdemeanor if you are convicted, driving under the influence, or DUI, can carry very severe consequences in Tennessee. Even though normally a DUI is a misdemeanor if you are convicted of driving under the influence, or DUI, it can carry very severe consequences in Tennessee. The Nashville DUI Lawyers at Widrig Law PLLC understand what you are going through and work hard to defend you during this hard time.
The defendant’s blood/alcohol level must be .08 percent or more OR the defendant must be under the influence of any narcotic drug, marijuana or drug producing stimulating effects on the central nervous system.
“Even though normally a DUI is a misdemeanor if you are convicted of driving under the influence, or DUI, it can carry very severe consequences in Tennessee”
The penalties in Tennessee for a DUI are as follows:
DUI First Offense:
- Fine: $350 minimum; $1,500.00 maximum.
- Jail: minimum 48 hours; maximum 11 months and 29 days, mandatory 7 consecutive days if blood alcohol exceeds .20%.
- Driver’s license revoked for 1 year.
DUI Second Offense:
- Fine: $600.00 minimum; $3,500 maximum.
- Jail: minimum 45 days; maximum 11 months and 29 days.
- Driver’s license is revoked for 2 years
- Inpatient alcohol or drug treatment available as jail credit.
- Possible forfeiture of vehicle if used in the offense.
DUI Third Offense:
- Fine: $1,100.00 minimum; $10,000.00 maximum
- Jail: minimum 120 days; maximum 11 months and 29 days
- Driver’s license revoked for 3 years to 10 years.
- Possible forfeiture of vehicle.
DUI Forth Offense:
- Class E felony conviction.
- Fine: $3,000 minimum; $15,000.00 maximum.
- Jail: minimum 150 days; maximum 6 years.
- Driver’s license revoked for 5 years
- Possible forfeiture of vehicle.
If you are placed on probation after serving at least the minimum jail sentence, additional conditions of probation may be required, including but not limited to removing litter from public property, performing public service work, participation in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility, payment of restitution to any person suffering personal injury or property damage , and any other conditions ordered by the Court.
If you have been charged with a DUI in Tennessee then contact the Nashville criminal attorneys at Widrig Law PLLC for a consultation.